Captain Tom 100! A national initiative for all UK charities to take part in. Following on from the hugely successful 2.6 challenge in 2020, the organisers of the London Marathon have teamed up with the Captain Tom Foundation for this new fundraising initiative. 

Last year Sir Captain Tom started a simple fundraiser to do 100 laps of his garden by his 100th birthday- and raise £1000 - but as we all know, he did so much more. He truly captured the nations hearts and brought us all together in a time of great need. He raised a staggering £32 million and helped so many charities.

Now, to celebrate what would have been his 101 birthday and also to honour Captain Tom and his wishes, his family are backing this new challenges to help charities UK wide that have been impacted by Covid-19.

The premise is simple:

  1. Dream up your Captain Tom 100 challenge
  2. Choose your charity
  3. Find your chosen charity on JustGiving or Virgin Money Giving by clicking the buttons below and set up your fundraising page. If you don’t have a preferred charity, select The Captain Tom Foundation
  4. Ask your friends and family to sponsor you
  5. Complete your 100 challenge any time between Friday 30 April and Monday 3 May

Watch the video here:

We would love for you to take part - all money raised will go directly to supporting vulnerable children in Croydon and of course, there is also the option to make a donation to The Captain Tom Foundation.

You can donate here or to set up your fundraising page or go to Just Giving or Virgin Money giving sites, and when prompted choose Reedham Children’s Trust as your charity.


A few ideas to get you started


  1. 100 laps of the local running track
  2. 100m or 100 lengths of swimming
  3. Climb 100 foot
  4. 100 Kick ups
  5. Score 100 goals in a set time (penalties)
  6. Make 100 saves (any relevant sport)
  7. Learn 100 yoga poses
  8. 100 passes without dropping the ball
  9. 100 sit ups a day
  10. 100 burpees!

Food based

  1. Eat 100 Maltesers/ minstrels/smarties… the choice is endless
  2. Eat 100 grapes/berries
  3. Bake only using 100g of each ingredient – see how that turns out
  4. Bake/Cook something that takes exactly 100 minutes – prep and cooking
  5. Eat 100 uncooked baked beans (Yuk!)
  6. Eat 100 Brussel sprouts (well it should be a challenge!)
  7. Eat 100 pickles

 Time Based

100 minutes of…

  1. Running
  2. Walking
  3. Swimming
  4. Aerobics or other exercise class
  5. Football or another team game
  6. Gardening
  7. Sewing
  8. Drawing
  9. Volunteering
  10. Taking a neighbour’s dog for a walk
  11. Playing computer games (if allowed)

Whatever you heart desires!


With friends

Why not set up a time-based challenge between friends or family - this could be anything from

  1. Playing sport for 100 minutes
  2. Quizzing against each other
  3. Play 100 minutes of board games
  4. A treasure hunt
  5. The first to reach 100 score in a challenge

Make it fun and set up a score board and let battle commence!



  1. Cut your hair by 100mm
  2. Spend 100 minutes (over the weekend) completing random acts of kindness
  3. Wash 100 cars
  4. Create a pub quiz- with guess what - 100 questions!


Test your brain

  1. How many Cross words can you complete in 100 minutes OR
  2. Can you complete 100 cross words (or Sudoku games!)
  3. Can you learn to say hello in 100 languages?
  4. Learn 100 new words and impress your friends with your improved vocabulary
  5. Could you answer 100 multiplication questions correctly? Or time 100 seconds and see who can get the most correct answers.
  6. Write a 100 word poem


For KIDS (some are repeated from above)

  1. 100 minutes of cleaning the house /tidying their room (kids get sponsored by the minute!)
  2. How many sums can you answer in 100 seconds?
  3. 100 drawings (you could give to friends and neighbours)
  4. 100 minutes of volunteering with mum or dad
  5. Write a quiz for your family- 100 questions, on any topic of your choice
  6. Eat 100 sweets! (maybe over time…)
  7. The other hand, if you are right handed write with your left for 100 minutes and vice versa if you are left handed
  8. Make a tower with 100 cards
  9. 100 second eating contest!