During lockdown I was worried and scared that I wouldn’t go back to school to see my friends again and to learn. I feared that myself or one of my family members would get COVID-19 and die from it.

I have learnt a lot about myself and my family because of being closed indoors together for months. I got used to staying indoors and learning from home using my iPad. I have learnt that I can adapt to changes and I appreciated my life more and I’m grateful for my family.

The challenges that I face when it comes to learning include not being able to communicate face to face with my teacher and my friends and not being able to sort out problems with my iPad when I got stuck. I got very tired eyes from looking at the screen for so long.

I hope that everything will go back to normal once COVID is over. The school has helped by supporting my learning from home throughout the pandemic. Even though we were not able to go to school most of last year and beginning of this year, we got to learn as much as we could.