Youth Innovation Fund Launch Event On 18th September, 5.30pm-8pm at MerkyFC HQ, Dagnall Park, SE25 5PH, Reedham Children's Trust will be launching our new approach to investing in innovative ways of working with vulnerable young people to improve their life outcomes. As part of our collaboration with charitable and voluntary organisations within the Croydon Youth Consortium (CYC), Croydon Voluntary Action (CVA) and Reedham Children’s Trust have committed to support a new model of youth provision in Croydon, one that extends to the most vulnerable young people in and across our borough, and which builds supportive relationships with them and their families, both in schools and in local community settings. Our purpose is to find and develop innovative ways of empowering young people through work with schools and connecting young people in their communities. New projects include: Role Models Project (learning STEM based skills) weekly workshops for vulnerable girls and young women focused on learning 3D printing skills as a platform for exploring who the girls’ role models are and telling their stories in a physically and psychologically safe space. In partnership with Reaching Higher & Aspiring Young Women Box Therapy – integrating non-contact boxing with Acceptance and Commitment Therapy Accessible, relevant and effective for young people who are often excluded from mainstream services, including those who are at risk of involvement in serious violence. In partnership with Be Inspired Bleed and First Aid Kits – distribution and education. Working with the Metropolitan Police and local young people, to distribute bleed and first aid kits across South London, with the necessary accompanying education, to save lives through immediate first aid responses to serious youth violence. We will support these young ambassadors to set up and lead further training workshops for their peers across Croydon schools and youth hubs in first aid with the use of the bleed kits. In partnership with JFJ Foundation & TRUE Research. A creative arts skills and therapeutic mentoring-based project, delivering creative arts skills and therapeutic mentoring to young people in schools and providing them with the opportunity to explore a career in professional DJ-ing, Radio Presenting, Podcasting, Editing and Filming. In partnership with P4YE & Hope Pro UK. With more projects to be announced. You will also enjoy delicious food provided, courtesy of young people attending our Croydon Safe Space project with Good Food Matters. We will also be celebrating the 180th anniversary of Reedham Children’s Trust, Croydon’s oldest dedicated children’s charity. Please join us and help us shape a positive future for the young people of Croydon today. Please register your interest here if you haven't done so already. For further information please contact the team via [email protected], 02086601461 or 07837339113.