Reedham Summer Camp "My daughter made a new friend and they are inseparable. It turns out she lives very close by. They have been to the cinema together, and have been going to each other’s houses." For the past four years, Reedham has provided a summer holiday for around 25 of our young people. One of the drawbacks of boarding is that children tend to lose contact with friends at home. This inevitably can mean they are quite bored and lonely during the holidays. Last year we learnt one gain of our summer holiday offer was making friends with young people in similar situations and many of these friendships have continued beyond the holiday. The holiday offers five days of fun-filled, action-packed activities, and benefits both children and parents. The children make new and lasting friendships outside their school environment and try out novel, diverse challenges, whilst the parents get some well-earned respite from those cries of “I’m bored” during the long summer holidays! The age group is from approximately 11 to 15 and the camps are based in the south-east of the country. When our children were asked how the holiday had benefited them, nearly all agreed that they had made new friends, learnt a new skill, had fun and felt less bored. This holiday would not be possible, without the support of our fundraising programme. Thank you.